KDE 4.1: some corrections

This article is an add-on to my previous article about KDE4.1. The comments I got made it clear that I missed some things.

  • There is some task manager configuration. I was right-clicking the panel, instead of the task manager. I guess I’m still getting used to the “everything’s a plamoid” reasoning. In any case, it’s possible to show only the applications of the particular virtual desktop you’re working on.
  • Making the panel transparent is indeed a matter of choosing the right plasma theme. Downloading and installing new themes is actually very easy. It can be done from Desktop Settings, where you can also download new wallpapers from KDE-look.org. Here’s a screencast that should clarify things.
  • There’s a “Show Desktop” widget that can be added to the panel. However, I still haven’t found how to achieve the same thing with a keyboard shortcut. As a matter of fact, I haven’t figured out how to add new keyboard shortcuts, period.
  • After some hours of fiddling and working things out, this is how my KDE4.1 looks:

    KDE 4.1

    KDE 4.1

    It looks just fine, but I still won’t be using it, I’m afraid. The biggest issue for me is a certain slowness I attributed to the known problems with the official nvidia driver The KMenu plasmoid remained flaky, and the system tray still forgot to show icons sometimes. I also noticed some crashes and weird behaviour when using Konqueror. I still don’t think that’s a very good browser, but that’s just me.


    4 Responses to KDE 4.1: some corrections

    1. Gareth says:

      For setting up global shortcuts;

      – SystemSettings>Keyboard & Mouse

      – Select the “Keyboard shortcuts” tab

      – pick the relivent kde component probably kwin

      Then go nuts 😛

    2. Gareth says:


      agreed the NVIDIA driver is annoying i can live with it fine, i guess it depends exactly on your specific setup, as to how bad it affects you

      if you don’t like Konqueror why not just use Firefox, no one said you have to use all QT4 apps on kde, and you can install a plugin for kde that makes GTK apps look like kde 4 apps 😀

    3. […] My earliest posts complained about issues with the nVidia driver, crashing plasmoids, KDE simply failing to start,  Kwin effects leaving artefacts, and systray […]

    4. […] My earliest posts complained about issues with the nVidia driver, crashing plasmoids, KDE simply failing to start,  Kwin effects leaving artefacts, and systray […]

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